Friday, August 26, 2011
it's always what i need and not what i need to do. why?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Things to get done:
- Browhaus appt
- Collect Relvon Colourstay @ Smoochiezz
- Applying for jobs @ Frolick + Singapore Science Center
- Help Clean Mummy's room
- Ikea trip
- Borrow Hair Straightener frm Nikki
- Return Lib Books
- Borrow Lib Books
- Print out resume cover.
Syukur Alhamdulillah!
Looking forward to all the food!
Ohlololololololol, been having a family weekend so far. Saturday with my dad's folks and Sunday with my mum's. This is why I like raye. Because all of a sudden, there's a feeling in the air and it's like you haven't seen your relatives for ages! FUN FUN FUN.
ok till next time!
Ohlololololololol, been having a family weekend so far. Saturday with my dad's folks and Sunday with my mum's. This is why I like raye. Because all of a sudden, there's a feeling in the air and it's like you haven't seen your relatives for ages! FUN FUN FUN.
ok till next time!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Iftar with the girls. (10 August 2011)
So remeber i said the girls treated me to dinner?
Here are the pics!

Ps. Girls, i know i wasn't the most attentive friend, between me going MIA half the times to not coming to school, i honestly dont know how we bonded as well as we did! The fact remains that i found friends that i truly treasure in what would have been the worst years of my life (academically).
You guys have always made my day a little bright and filled it with a lot more laughter. And i know each of you support my decision and that's really more than i can ask for. Friends who might not understand why i do what i do but support my actions as you guys have supported me. My coming days are going to be more lonelier with out you guys telling me your stories ):
In the days to come, we may all go our own ways but for now and for always, the memories will always be stay. And one day we'll all look back at these photos and smile and laugh because of who we were "back then" Then you'll chance upon a picture of us two and you'll remember how awesome it was. how awesome i was. LOL. OKAY THAT LAST PART JOKING.
i love you girls. and i hope you remember that. And if you need anything im only 8 digits away (yup, got phone already, can text) and also if you don't need anything also can text. I'd say goodbye but it's not goodbye until it's really over. Till next time girls! ♥
Pictures from one drama session or another. i miss them
i miss how it used to be.
i just miss.
loved always.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Went out with Ibrahim today. We broke fast at BBQ Chicken, some place in Tamp1. Portions were HUGE! Well, maybe not huge HUGE but it was definitely bigger than expected.
Between us we had, Pasta with Chicken MeatBalls, Fish & Chips, Nachos & Cheese Fries! Yummy stuff, but the fries were just meh but the Nachos ( served with mayo, cheese sauce & toped with salsa ) were awesommmmeeeeeee.
Wish i had pictures to show):
Between us we had, Pasta with Chicken MeatBalls, Fish & Chips, Nachos & Cheese Fries! Yummy stuff, but the fries were just meh but the Nachos ( served with mayo, cheese sauce & toped with salsa ) were awesommmmeeeeeee.
Wish i had pictures to show):
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Today the girls gave me a farewell dinner, urm, a surprise farewell dinner! :D
and it was really sweet but it's nearly one now so i'll leave the gushy stuff till i get a hold of the pictures.
Incase you're reading this, thanks girls, it meant the world to me. ♥
As i said, I'll go onto the gushy stuff when i post the pictures on my blog! So come back alrights?
ps. refer to pic below. how not to be happy? ☺
and it was really sweet but it's nearly one now so i'll leave the gushy stuff till i get a hold of the pictures.
Incase you're reading this, thanks girls, it meant the world to me. ♥
As i said, I'll go onto the gushy stuff when i post the pictures on my blog! So come back alrights?
ps. refer to pic below. how not to be happy? ☺
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
i think i should wake up.
i mean, almost 3 months to go before i hit 20 and i'm still pulling this kinda bullshit.
late for everything. e v e r y t h i n g.
i mean wth do i have to get into to wake myself up? To get it into my head that being late is not good.
That procrastinating everything just leads to more shit happening.
shit happens, i always tell myself.
but god damnit. i make shit happen and E V E R Y T H I N G could have been avoided!
the countless amt of cash i spend just because of handing in something late.
the fines, the arguments.
the amount of times i get marked absent because of coming late or hell! because i decide, hey im already late, why not just not come.
What kind of stupid ass thinking is that ?
how old i am again?
i should have left this shit behind in secondary school.
god, gimme this one last chance.
i mean, almost 3 months to go before i hit 20 and i'm still pulling this kinda bullshit.
late for everything. e v e r y t h i n g.
i mean wth do i have to get into to wake myself up? To get it into my head that being late is not good.
That procrastinating everything just leads to more shit happening.
shit happens, i always tell myself.
but god damnit. i make shit happen and E V E R Y T H I N G could have been avoided!
the countless amt of cash i spend just because of handing in something late.
the fines, the arguments.
the amount of times i get marked absent because of coming late or hell! because i decide, hey im already late, why not just not come.
What kind of stupid ass thinking is that ?
how old i am again?
i should have left this shit behind in secondary school.
god, gimme this one last chance.
I'm all outta faith,This is how i feel,I'm cold and i am shamed,lying naked on the floor.
- Natalie Imbruglia, Torn
You have no idea how many times I stare at your picture. You have no idea how many times i wanted to call you, but I wont. I wont drag you back into me. Not while im not sure of anything and everything.
I thought you were taking me for granted, but in a way, i was taking you for granted also.
"You never know what you have till it's gone"
Knowing that I always had you made everything better. but then i realized, i'd always have you, so what's new?
But now after everything's said and done, maybe this is where we're supposed to be.
but maybe,
just maybe?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Another late night, another movie watched.
ps. the movie was literally about a greek girl getting married to an un-greek-then-converted-to-greek guy. literally.
ps. the movie was literally about a greek girl getting married to an un-greek-then-converted-to-greek guy. literally.
Popping the cherry
Let's get the ball rolling and the cherry popping y'all!
This blog will be about me, and what it takes to be me.
The 20 year old me, that is.
So I hope you'll stick around, and I hope I will too.
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