Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Molting humans

Do you think the people you leave behind ever think about you again?

Do you think they go "Oh, I wonder how he/she's doing. I hope he/she's fine//I hope he/she's burning in eternal hell fire" ?

I've left lots of people behind. Random people, people that meant the world to be, people that were supposed to love me unconditionally, I've said goodbye to all of them and my heart hasn't missed a beat. It's missed two. Alright, maybe eight-seven beats.

I've been thinking & I've come to the conclusion that leaving people behind is like a snake shedding it's skin aka molting. I think there comes a certain point in life where we all become different people. We just - outgrow - some people. Some people are like corsets, they mold you and shape but at the end of the day, while you're grateful for all the molding and shaping they've done, all we really need is to break free and just stand on our own. On the other side, other people outgrow us & while that may hurt like hell, it was simply something they needed to do. A wise Instagram post once said,

"There is great freedom in not taking things too personally" 

To those that have left me, I forgive you.
To those I have left, I forgive myself.

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