Saturday, November 8, 2014

So, twenty three.

Here are thoughts:

1. If I'm doing something for someone, it best be sincere, Because if I expect something in return, I'd be disappointed and that kind of disappointment breaks. I feel like I give and give and give and people don't seem to appreciate that. But if I stop giving because people stop appreciating that, am I really a giver? Have I really be doing all that for the right reasons? I give because I love/respect/adore them and I want them happy so even if they don't give anything back to me, I should just be content in the knowledge that I stayed true to self. That sounds about right. I only wish it was easy to not feel disappointed.

2. Damn, twenty three. In two years, I'll be mid-twenties. Not early twenties.
M I D - T W E N T I E S. What kind of insanity is this?!

3. Ebb and flow of life. Sometimes you're up and sometimes your down. Sometimes you have all the things in the world to say and sometimes you don't. Sometimes you're happy and sometimes... sometimes you just gotta deal.

4. I am only given as much as I can handle.

5. I will get through this

6. What's three months compared to the rest of my life? It's just a grain of sand on the beach that is my life. #icandothis

7. Happy twenty third, self. 

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