Friday, January 27, 2012

Best Friends.

I've been lonely. There's no denying that, so for the past few months, I've been asking myself who my best friends are. Asking myself to define the people I can safely call my best friend was like asking myself the meaning of life. I'd think I'd have the right answer then FLIPP, comes a change of heart and another meaning comes to light. Many never really think about it cause you know, you have it, it's there, so why probe further, right? I envy them. 

Getting back on topic, here are some of the definitions I came out with, some of them make no sense but that's just my brain sort it out.

- A best friend is some one who knows you inside and out. 
      I was thinking about this and then sometime ago I came to the conclusion that this is wrong. If best friends were people that knows you inside and out, half the world would be best friendless. Nobody really knows a person and it's the little secrets, the tiny hidden mystery in someone that keeps you coming back, no? Or put it this way, everyone has things they never revel, so therefore, nobody can know anybody inside and out. It's more fun this way anyway. 

- A best friend is some one who out of all your friends, you like the best. 
      No argument there, for technically, this is right but there are some (many) cases where you are not your best friend's best friend. And I think that's sad. Because everyone deserves a best friend that thinks the sun always shines out of their ass. 

- A best friend is some one who makes you laugh hours on end, at the most stupidest, most random things. 
     I'm a creature of laughter. It makes me happy. You make me laugh therefore you make me happy, and making me happy is a wonderful thing. If I can laugh for hours on ends with a person, it's an awesome thing and that means, I think that person is awesome. And if the person bothers to stick around to make me laugh (for hours on ends) then obviously, the person thinks that the sun shine out of my ass. Flawed logic, no? 

I'm being to come to the conclusion that everyone has their own definition of best friends. And that for many people, it'll mean a different thing at different stages of their lives. Nothing stays the same, so why should definitions? For now, it'd be safe to say that my best friend is me or the internet? To single out someone would mean to hold them above all others, and I love a lot of people too much to do it to them.

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