Thursday, May 9, 2013


Dear future people reading this,

If you're under 20, friends will seem like the most important thing in your life. And why not? They light up everything - at least the ones you like do. But there will come a time where you're left stranded. Where everything feels a hollow dream and nothing makes much sense.

I guess, the main point of what I'm trying to say is that there will come a point in time where you'll be virtually alone.

 No, do not freak out. Please, dear future one, stiffen that goddamn upper lip and listen. These times are good. They are okay. They will happen and most importantly these are the times you learn the most about being a friend. A good one.

When you hit a rock like this virtual isolation that I feel right now, the first thing you want to do, is buy a kindabeuno (Milky hazelnut cream encased in crispy wafer enveloped by rich good to the last lick chocolate)  and wait till it get to that perfect half melted state then eat it.

The next thing you want to do is read. Because when you feel like you have no one, the characters will come alive and become your best friend. Just read.

While doing so, do not lose hope.

Don't think that it'll always be this way because it won't. I am a strong believer that Allah never gives us more than we can handle and He never gives us less that what we need.

The last thing I can think of is that you need to concentrate else where. Write a story, visit a museum, take on a DIY project. DO SOMETHING POSITIVE

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